Saturday, August 15, 2009


Saturday, February 14, 2009

Writing, writing, writing

I'm trying to solidify my dissertation topic at the same time that I'm trying to complete my final Learning Agreement. So much to do, so little time.

I've thought about it for several months, and rather than do a dissertation that in the end will have little value or significance, I'm thinking of going with a topic that I'm obsessed with - Cells phones in the High School Classroom. Every time I hear an announcement, read that another kids was suspended for having a cell phone, etc., I cringe. When will we stop policing and start educating these kids? Why not teach them how to integrate their cell phones capabilities with Web 2.0 tools and perhaps engage them in their learning? Are the rule makers in our education system so removed from the social culture that these teens have created that they can't see the power that these tools hold? Drives me crazy! Maybe I need this fire within me to motivate me through this tough dissertation process.